WORKS_2013-14: you are here

artery and vein 
ink on tracing paper
87.8 x 61.4 cm

you are here 
5 -チャンネル オーディオビジュアル インスタレーション
Five Channel Audio-visual Installation
Film and Sound footage from: 
Kanezaki(Fukuoka), Okinoshima Island, Tsushima Island(Nagasaki)
Yeong-do Island(Busan), Hado-ri(Jeju)


                                                                      Photo: Shintaro Yamanaka
you are here 
Drawing Installation
with sea salt and sea water from:
Kanezaki(Fukuoka), Okinoshima Island, Tsushima Island(Nagasaki)
Yeong-do Island(Busan), Hado-ri(Jeju)/Ken paper


This is the latest work from the ongoing project exploring the living culture of Sea Women nurtured in the sea between Japan and Korea as shown in the first drawing. Five screens are placed based on the geographical location of each divers' villages along the strait. Each of them screening a moving image showing what I would call a record of my journey including a footage of an Udo Island diver singing for me the Jeju-Haenyeo Anti Japanese Song written by her father while being imprisoned for political activity. The journey was inspired by numbers of personal histories and memories of physical experiences signaling the simple, yet complex human activity and emotional landscapes across the sea. The sounds are played respectively from speakers set above each screen. The screens are surrounded by large scale drawings created solely by crystallizing the salt and sea-water collected from each locations, transforming the exhibition space into an imaginary strait that one can walk along, imagining the lands seen from the sea.